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More from Metue: New Earnings Calendar and Event Tracking Page

event-calendar-intro.jpgFrom key earnings announcements to days significant in takeover battles like Yahoo/Microsoft and EA/Take Two, the next month is littered with influential events, especially for companies at the crossroads of media, entertainment and technology.  There’s so much to keep track of:  On April 17th Google releases earnings.  April 22nd, Yahoo follows suit. Then there’s Microsoft on the 24th, Nintendo (also the 24th), DreamWorks SKG, Viacom, Disney and a host of others. It’s easy to lose track.

For quick and easy reference to stay on top of it all, we’re trying out a new feature: The Metue Event calendar.  The new page takes our internal calendar and puts the key dates in a simple, sortable table for all to use.  Looking for a company, click the headings for the appropriate column and the table will resort to list the companies.   Curious about a date, likewise, click and see.  (Do note: this ability to resort the table relies on JavaScript and may not work in some browsers, or may be blocked by browser’s security features).

For now, like the Metue company Watch List, and the Celebrity Endorsement Tracker, the Metue Event Calendar is a work in progress.  The calendar runs a month or so ahead, and will be regularly updated as we test out how it’s recieved.  We’ll be adding to it regularly to try and make it more complete.

If the Calendar catches on, it will likely be expanded.  For now, if you think something’s missing, head to the Contact Page and send a quick note.   The same is true for the “Watch List” – our list of companies operating in the Media Entertainment Technology World – and also the Celebrity Endorsement Sheet: our novelty pages that monitor which Celeb has been lending their voice or face to which product or service. If something is missing or belongs on the tracking lists, drop a line and let us know.


Related Pages
The Earnings and Event Calendar
Corporate Watch List: A to G
Corporate Watch List: H to P
Corporate Watch List: Q to Z
Endorsement Sheet: A to G
Endorsement Sheet: H to P
Endorsement Sheet: Q to Z

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